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Вы здесь » Форум луганского рэпа » Флейм » 2 серьёзных вопроса

2 серьёзных вопроса

Сообщений 1 страница 8 из 8


> 1-й:
> Если бы вы встретили беременную женщину, у которой уже 8 детей, из
> них трое глухих, двое слепых, один умственно отсталый, а сама
> женщина больна сифилисом - вы бы посоветовали ей сделать аборт?
> Прежде чем ответить на этот вопрос, прочитайте еще один...
> 2-й вопрос: нужно выбрать нового мирового лидера, и ваш голос - решающий
> вот информация о 3-х кандидатах:
> 1 кандидат: общается с нечистыми на руку политиками, советуется с
> астрологами, у него две жены, курит без остановки и выпивает
> 8-10 бокалов мартини в день
> 2 кандидат: дважды изгонялся с должности, спит до полудня, баловался
> опиумом в коледже, выпивает около литра виски каждый вечер 
> 3 кандидат: имеет воинские награды, вегетарианец, не курит, пьет изредка
> пиво и никогда не изменял жене.
> Кого из троих вы выберете?
> Не подсматривайте ответы! Сначала сами ответте, а потом прокручивайте страницу вниз (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

> ---------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> 1-й кандидат: Франклин Д. Рузвельт
> 2-й кандидат: Уинстон Черчилль
> 3-й кандидат: Адольф Гитлер
> И, кстати, насчет аборта: если ваш ответ ДА , то вы только что убили
> Бетховена.











Да... Иногда не знаешь кому доверять... :))))






это точно!забавно))) :D






God, if you knew that I like him so much that I want to take him and do everything that is possible, I thought ... In the meantime, my cock was already a stake ... It's good that I was in shorts and there was a towel, I put it on top.
My mother and I made our way, without turning on the light, into her room. The bed that Olga made for me on the floor was next to the bed. Indeed, a small house. Galya tried to lie down on the floor, giving the guest a bed, the guest did not yield, and as a result, both ended up on the floor, hugging and kissing tightly. After some time, the young, considering the old people to be asleep, fussed, grunted, creaked the bed. Well, I pulled with Gali the dress in which she was still. She helped me undress.
Igor felt excited, he applied the cream lower and lower, he moved back a little, and gently began to rub his cock on her ass.
In this story, I will go back a little, more precisely before the New Year. At this time, I met a man older than me, maybe my dad's age. He was married, but adored me, I confess, too, loved him to madness. Not because he is very handsome or very rich, although he had the latter quality, no, but because he answered all my requirements. Not to mention the material, and those requirements in sex. And I have many.
liveartbcs.com/colombia/28-03-2022. I took it out of my mouth and she continued to hold it in her palm, as if to estimate how much it weighs without taking her eyes off him. It pulsed before her eyes and shone in the light, there was a lot of saliva on it.
Seryozha, help me get out of the car, and then I'll hobble myself somehow.
Still hesitating, she began to lift her dress with the words like this is not right, and after a minute she was standing in a black bra and brown panties that I had already seen. I took out another couple of thousand with the words each bill for a new part of the body, but then she gathered herself and began to dress back with tears rolling down! But with the words I'm joking, I approached her and hugged her further, she got dressed, and I realized that for the sake of money she was ready for a lot!
The elevator took us to the 5th floor and we entered the apartment.
However, I still couldn't finish...


Вы здесь » Форум луганского рэпа » Флейм » 2 серьёзных вопроса